Instructions: Add a new Item
- Click on the corresponding clipart to create a new item. Works only if the specific item-type is not disabled.
- Please fill out all input fields in the following window.
- Send form by clicking on the green check.
- Do you have ideas about other features? Make suggestions at http://realpin.frumania.com
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Add a new Item
Choose source

Instructions:Add a new picture
- Choose your image source by clicking on the corresponding button. Only .jpg files smaller than 1 Megabyte are allowed.
- The picture will be shown as preview on the left.
- In the lower left input field, you can enter a title. It will be put on the picture itself in the following.
- Enter your Name, Email adress or web link in the top right input field.
- Enter your Story/Description in the lower textarea. It will be shown when hovering the image.
- Send form by clicking on the green check.
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New Picture

Instructions: Add a new note
- Enter your Name, Email address or web link in the top right input field.
- Enter your Story/Description in the lower textarea. You can see a preview on the left side.
- Send form by clicking on the green check.
- Please note: Special characters as well as chinese/cyrillic characters are not supported by default. Another font-type has to be selected!
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New Note

Instructions: Create a new video
- Please enter a valid video Url in the upper input field
(full URL e.g. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ta_la6vIaFc only). - Validate the Url by clicking on the "valid" button (a preview picture will be loaded if it is valid).
- Enter your Name, Email address or web link in the top right input field.
- Enter your Story/Description in the lower textarea on the right.
If you leave it blank, it will be filled automatically with detailed information about the video. - Send form by clicking on the green check.
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New Video
